Certificate III in Information and Digital Media Technology (ICT30118)
This course is offered as a Recognition of Prior Learning Pathway for those students already taking Information Technologies or Digital Technologies within the school environment. This course enables learners with advanced skills in a range of specialist IT areas to gain credit and recognition without the need for formal classroom instruction. Core units that need to be undertaken are;
- BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
- BSBWHS304 Participate effectively in WHS communication and consultation processes
- ICTICT202 Work and communicate effectively in an ICT environment
- ICTICT301 Create user documentation
- ICTICT302 Install and optimise operating system software
- ICTSAS308 Run standard diagnostic tests
11 elective units must also be chosen. You must pick one of the following specialist elective subsets and then extra units as needed to make up the total of electives. Credit transfer and or units from other training packages may also be able to be utilised. Please discuss this at the time of enrolment with the RTO Manager. Specialist elective units include;
- Applications
- Network administration
- Support
- Web technologies
- Multimedia
Course Guide – Cert III IDMT v2.3 2019
Ready to enrol? Submit your expression of interest here.