International Exchange Programme – 日本の交流プログラム
We love having students from all different countries and welcome everyone. Please contact us to get in touch and find out how you can come and study at MacKillop Catholic College and be a part of the fun and learning!
International Partnerships
As a school we conduct a Japanese Study Tour every second year, and an Indonesian Study tour every other year.
We have a sister school agreement with Hakata High School in Fukuoka prefecture in Japan, and a sister school agreement with SMP Sunari Loka, Kuta.
We frequently host exchange students from Japan and Italy, as well as from other countries in Europe. They are welcomed into our school and join in classes with their peers. This helps them to improve their English and learn about Australian culture. They participate in school camps and outdoor education programs. We have also participated in exchange teacher programmes with Canada.
Our Sister School in Japan: Hakata High School (external link – website is in Japanese)
Our Sister School in Indonesia: SMP Sunari Loka, Kuta (external link – website in Indonesian)