Middle Years
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The MacKillop Middle Years journey runs from Year 7 to Year 9. It draws heavily from our MacKillop Learning Framework in that it:
- Uses relationships and collaboration as the basis upon which all quality learning takes place;
- Is grounded in curriculum that is relevant to students lives integrated content across subject areas;
- Is inclusive and differentiated in practice, catering to needs of all our students;
- Uses quality feedback as a key strategy in maximising student impact for all learners; and,
- Use international best practice to design quality lesson and unit of work.
Learning in the Middle Years draws dually from vision and the Australian Curriculum. Our Middle Years Curriculum looks to offer students a diverse and rigorous learning journey towards the Senior Years.
As part of our diverse Middle Years curriculum we offer a broad and comprehensive electives program from Year 7. These electives align to the Australia Curriculum Languages, Technology, Health and Physical Education and Arts areas. Students in Year 7 begin with a broad taste of subjects from all areas and progressively focus their interest as they approach the Senior School in Year 10.
Subject Handbook
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